IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference
21–24 April 2024 // Conrad Hotel in Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Wireless Communications for Growing Opportunities

Call For Papers

Based on the three pillar scenarios in the previous fifth-generation (5G) networks, the International Telecommunication Union Radiocommunication Sector (ITU-R) has recently endorsed their advanced versions in sixth-generation (6G) research. Specifically, the eMBB and mMTC are enhanced to massive communication and immersive communication, respectively, followed by more stringent requirements. These paradigm shifts are deemed to facilitate the realization of the Metaverse, which is a vision enabling to integrate the real and virtualized worlds, empowered by various techniques such as artificial intelligence (AI) and extended reality (XR). Emerging technologies are urgently required to support massive communication and immersive communication and thus to realize the paradigm shifts towards the 6G networks and the Metaverse. Contributions are solicited in, but not necessarily limited to, the following topics:

  • Intelligent signal processing for 6G and Metaverse
  • Intelligent communication and networking for 6G and Metaverse
  • MmWave/THz-based MIMO communications for 6G and Metaverse
  • Extremely large MIMO and RIS/IRS for 6G and Metaverse
  • Integrated sensing and communications (ISAC) for 6G and Metaverse
  • Satellite, airship, aircraft/UAV, and terrestrial network integration for 6G and Metaverse
  • Semantic communications for 6G and Metaverse
  • Real-world implementations and use


The submissions should be made Here in PDF limited to 6 pages, double column, 10-point font.


  • Paper Submission Deadline: 22 Dec. 2023 16 Jan. 2024
  • Paper Notification Deadline: 15 Jan. 2024 26 Jan. 2024
  • Final Paper Submission Deadline: 2 Feb 2024

